In Liz Gilbert's memoir of her life, Eat. Pray. Love., she writes about her trips across the world in search for everything... Though she supposedly has everything a woman would want and dream of -- a husband, a house, a successful career -- still, she found herself lost and in search for what she really wanted in life. She ate in various restaurants and enjoyed life in Italy (Eat). She found her spirituality in India (Pray). And finally, she met her true love in Bali, Indonesia (Love).
I could totally relate with her story because almost a year ago, I was in the same page as hers. I was confused, in the middle of a crossroad, just hanging by a thread. Looking back, I thank God for getting me out of that brink of giving up. I'm now slowly discovering who I am and what my purpose is as He continues to guide me along the way.
But that's a whole another story right there. I could also write a book and perhaps won't finish because I'm always a work in progress...
It's in my recent trip to Boracay where I can say I experienced these three verbs to the full.
I ate. I prayed. I loved.

I've been trying to limit my food intake before I went off to Boracay (who wouldn't want to be beach-body ready?). But surely when I got there, I didn't want to control myself eating since I want to enjoy the different types of food the beach has to offer. From the simple hamburger joint or inasal chicken in D*Mall, or fresh seafood in the D*Talipapa to the finest restaurants in the triple A resorts of Boracay, you are sure to find something that you would like to eat. Station 2 has always been a staple where you can find most of the restaurants, bars, and establishments. We just diligently walked there even if we were booked in Station 1. If beach laziness hits, one could always take a trike on the way back to your place.
There's always a few hits and miss in Bora's restos though. I ordered a "bolognese" in this resto in front of a resort (the food was so bad, I forgot the name--and I didn't take a picture). When the pasta came, I was surprised to see that it was like a spaghetti from a typical Filipino children's party.
I also had experienced seafood allergy in one of the paluto in D*Talipapa. I guess I was too confident that I didn't have shrimp allergies anymore. Combine that with bad ventilation inside on a hot afternoon lunch. Note to self: always bring an anti-histamine.
I felt sad when I found that our favorite fruit shake in town (and only the best) Jonah's, was already located on the roadside and no longer by the beach. I can't blame them since the cost of rent beside the beach was rising.

Sipping fruit shake by the roadside just isn't the same...
It's in Mañana in Station 2 where I got really satisfied with their real Mexican food. Finally, I found what I was craving for...

Quesadillas favorite.

Burritos another favorite.

Top it off with their banana shake, which can be good for two.
Nothing beats starting the day at the beach by praying, having quiet time with God, then capping it off with a good jog.

My friends having their alone moments.

And it's in those long walks alone that you can find sights such as this.
My friends and I have been looking forward to this trip since early this year because we're attending our dear friend's ultimate beach wedding. A week before the big day, there was a major glitch on the bride's wedding gown. Then a day before, we found out that she was still feeling sick. On that morning, we woke up seeing dark clouds hovering over us. And, by mid-morning, we went swimming in the beach and it started raining! Even with those series of unfortunate events, we have been continuously praying and having faith that God is on the move, up to the day we've all been waiting for.
We just thanked God for the shower of blessings. After an hour, there was like a spotlight over us as heaven started opening up and the skies clearing up. A big sigh of relief.
It was God and with our prayers who made all things work together for good. It was indeed a beautiful day!
No, I didn't exactly fall in love. I felt the looove in Discovery Shores, Boracay. Just witnessing this wedding and hearing the couple's vows put tears to my eyes because I saw how genuine their love is for each other and how God blesses two people who make Him the center of their relationship.

I loved? Oh yes I did. I loved my friends even more with all the adventures we've shared in Boracay (Zorb balls, Zipline, sharing a big family room, eating breakfast in a veranda, late night games and more) . I loved the quirkiness (or OC-ness?) we've discovered of each other. I loved God even more because I know He also has a love story He's writing for me.
* * *
You don't have to search and travel the world to find these three. Everyday, right where you are, you can always eat and savor life, pray, and love.